by Karl W. Stinson, M.E.
This is an authorized reprint of the final, 1981 edition of this book. 333 pages, spiral bound.

- The Diesel Engine
- Engineering Fundamentals
- Engine Testing and Instrumentation
- Fuels
- Combustion
- Engine performance
- Combustion Chamber Design
- Fuel Injection Systems
- Fuel Injection Pumps
- Injection Nozzles
- Frames, Cylinders, and Liners
- Pistions and Rings
- Connecting Rods and Piston Pins
- Crankshafts and Flywheels
- Bearings
- Valves, Valve Gear and Cylinder Heads
- Air Systems
- Supercharging
- Fuel Handling
- Lubrication
- Lubrication Systems
- Cooling Systems
- Exhaust Syssems
- Starting Systems, Protective Devices and Automatic Controls
- Speed Governors
- Gas, Dual Fuel and Multifuel Engines
- Engine Drives, Marine and Industrial
- Preventive Maintenance and Troubleshooting
- Foundations and Engine Installations